Friday, December 10, 2010

Carbon Monoxide The Silent Killer

Carbon Monoxide is a gas that is created when you burn things that have carbon in them. You can't smell it and its colorless. When someone breaths it in they tend to come down with something that is similar to the  flu. The stuff that you breath in, oxygen, is stopped from reaching your brain and your heart. With transportation of oxygen in your body shutting down, you body can go into a coma and someone that has Carbon Monoxide poisoning could possibly die if exposed to it long enough.
So how to you get Carbon Monoxide poisoning? Not like you would ever want it. But doing things like using a gas oven to heat your home, burning charcoal, breathing in a space that doesn't have proper ventilation, or ignoring the symptoms of felling like your going to throw up, headaches or feeling dizzy.

If someone ever acquires carbon monoxide poisoning then the best treatment would be oxygen therapy but even then if you breath too much in, the damage done could be un-reverseable. 

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